
Okay I got it to work. It was not a problem with the function call but with how I missed a little detail in the startScreen. When i dragged the start bottom there it needed a name in the screen to make different it from other star bottoms one may put in there. Bloody Instance name calling, and flash is stupid to not notice something like that… I could have said something like “Have you forgotten to name an objects Instance?” But no.

But now i have a working… start menu and a character i can move around the screen. Hurray for me. I Need to spend a few Hours to draw some more art stuff to the game. I have right now some hasty drawn images to symbolize the stuff I have programed for. Everything need better animation to make it look like something one may like.

I have never mentioned what kind of game i am making, It is a side shooter like Seal Hunter. But my game is called Monster Hunter, yeah… I did not realize that it was a name of the popular PSP game until a few hours later. yeah…