OpenGL or DirectX the Infinite War

The war between OpenGL and DirectX is a long one.

I started to program a little and at first i took DirectX without even think about it. Throwing myself head first in to the programming and did not even know what was what may not be the best of learning tactics but now I know a little about it. I followed a few tutorials about it at That was a very good learning experience. I still need to look at  working code to make my own code to work, since I don’t know it by hand. But I got to the point that my lacking skill and programming experience made it way more complex to continue. So I thought that I could check out the other graphics API that exists. It was a long time ago that I even heard anything about it. so i googled “OpenGL or DirectX” and arrived at a Wolfire blog, the guys that made Lugaru and is currently working on Overgrowth (Epic game I must say, I must pre-order it.). The blogpost was a very interesting post about why they are using OpenGL and not DirectX, Link here. They made very good arguments about it, and it changed my view about it. so will be using more OpenGL stuff then before.

There is also a follow up post about some of the comments made. Link

I think that people need to use OpenGL more then they do right now. Way more.

And I need to return to the basics of programming. I am not a Programmer but I find it interesting and maybe, just maybe I will write a beginners tutorial about it, just to help myself in the progress. Helping myself by helping you.