Week 1, Day 5: Small Changes

Not much have happened since last post but there have been changes to stuff.

With the help of a notebook, you know, with papers inside. I have written down things I think of during the day or when i went to bed after turning of the computer. oh well, the first things I wrote

Today I worked on adding in more equipment slots on the base character. The things I added so far was:
– Hair
– Helmet
Because I want the head to be a different thing then from the equipment. Before It was only a head slot. So I had to change the whole head if I wanted just to change the helmet or hair style. So with that small addition it will be easier to implement more different EQ later. And why both Hair and Helmet? Because if you want to use a Tiara or something similar you don’t need to remove the hair to add it so it will look better. If i have a full helm then i can just hide the hair so that it does not clip trough the helmet.

A few other things I thought about adding was these EQ slots:
– Rings
– Necklace
– Cape
– Belt
I am pretty sure I don’t want to add too many, since it will become a hassle to manage.

I also learned more about the different build options for C++ projects and files. And that will come in handy later I hope. There was also thoughts about adding or making a design document that will help me guide this project forward. I believe that it will be really useful down the line if i want to put more effort in to making this a commercial game. Added some demo trees from the Speed Tree site to the map and it looks absolutely awful.


Well, it just adds to the list of things to be updated. But it is removed from the list of things to add so that is always something.

And I think that was all for this time. Maybe I will include a grass tutorial in the next one or something… who know.
Anyways, have a good day.