New stuff

I guess it is time to update my page a little. More images and blog posts maybe. The page needs an serious redesign so maybe I will do that too. But first new images. And those Images are basically just me trying new stuff. Without...

Updates: Project Lif

Ahh, project Lif. My own game project in Unity 3D. The project is made mostly for the reason of being added in to my portfolio. Since my schoolwork was mostly haphazard and rushed to the extreme. I was not really content with any of it....


I was in the progress of making some updates to my portfolio and by Odin’s beard it is needed. The first thing I did was to make a new header. It looks decent enough. I used the two units I made for a Supreme Commander...

More Pictures

I have updated some of the galleries, more specified 3D Generated and Unnamed UDK Project galleries. Loggin in with twitter to comment is now working. I’m trying to get Facebook to work, but it was giving me the finger. I will return to that on...

Lip syncing

Ahh the horror of lip syncing. It was fun, but i guess it will be painful if there is more facial expressions. But still the first try, kind of good, kind of. It was made in like 3-4 days if I remember correctly. We had...