Awesome Movie Clip

…. or not.   haha, but since it was my first try do several different things it turned out fairly good. The things I never done before was connecting something to a motion path, in this case the camera and a spotlight. I never before...


Okay I got it to work. It was not a problem with the function call but with how I missed a little detail in the startScreen. When i dragged the start bottom there it needed a name in the screen to make different it from...

Okay more Flash

Now we are working on a two week project to make game in flash. So far I have hit some some snags that i have overcome. the first was that it did not what to put up my poorly drawn start screen. The 0,0 point...

After One month.

Okay, it has been a month since I posted anything here. Since last time, a new curriculum has started. Dealing with art history and gaming aesthetics. You know the boring and interesting stuff. The last two weeks we have been working on a game with...


Made a custom banner. With some tweaking i figured out all the sizes for it. I have also decided that the with of the portfolio will be 800px. I need to sit down and complete the banner, the gallery and a few more things.

Starting up

Well well well. Seeing as this is my first creation of an public homepage I will be building on it as I go. First up, I am born in the year of the dragon so hence “dragonborn”. Just so there will be no misunderstandings. And...